In dedication to all the members of the 390th Bomb Group who risked their
lives or died in the fight for our freedom. We wish to preserve the history
of the 390th Heavy Bombardment Group and its role in World War II.
I created this site to help others research the history of the 390th bomb group, it's missions, and aircraft. The research database contains information for over 7,000 crew, 400 B-17 Aircraft, and 70,000 crew detail records, including mission dates, crew members for each mission, and Aircraft histories.
The research database is organized to allow you to search by Aircraft crew number or name, and will show associated photos when available. I have also organized the data so you can easily find mission and Aircraft detail for each crew member. My hope is that this information will be as helpful in your research as it was for mine.
This site is for all members of the390th Bomb Group, their family, friends, old acquaintances, civilian support workers, foreign military, generally anybody that had anything to do with the 390th, as well as anyone else with an interest or background that is relative to the people of this site.
Please send your comments to steinerneil at gmail dot com or post a message to this site.
I strongly encourage all of our remaining veterans and their family members to write down their memories from the time they served with the 390th Bomb Group and consider sharing them on this website.
If you have pictures, stories, or additions to the Remember page that you would like to contribute to this web site, please consider joining this site.